What is Vedanta?

  • Vedanta Introductory text - Drig Drishya Viveka (discrimination between  Seer and Scene)

This is a 12-part series on deep yet accessible introductory text on Vedanta. A good place to start if you are new to Vedanta.  This series is also and is also available on the podcast ‘Vedanta Talks’ for on-the-go listening.  

  • What is Vedanta?

This a good high level beginner video on Vedanta and its different apects.

  • Ask Swami Series

    A regular series of talks where Swami Sarvapriyanandaji answers questions on Vedanta teaching and concepts.


VEDANTA 101 - Beginner series

VEDANTA 101+ : beyond Beginner series

  • The podcast ‘Vedanta Talks’ has systematic, deep and yet very accessible series of talks on Vedantic texts (Upanishads, Bhagavad Gita and introductory texts of Vedanta).   There are series on upanishads such as Mandukya Upanishad and Katha Upanishad which cover them in detail

The apple podcast link is provided below and can be searched for other platforms such as Android or Spotify :


  • Reflections of Swami Gurubhaktananda - Divine Life Society (Swami Sivananda) & Chinmaya International Foundation

It is an exhaustive menu of books on Upanishads and other Vedanta texts delivered with deep reverence, knowledge and insight. And they are free and available for all! Feel free to dive in.
