तत् त्वम् असि Tat Tvam Asi That Thou Art
— Chandogya Upanishad, 6.8.7
Welcome to Vedanta Colorado!
We are a group of spiritual seekers and curious students of Vedanta (a philosophy of Hinduism) committed to exploring deeper experiences of life. We are from different backgrounds but a strong sense of seeking and belonging brings us together.
Some of us (not all) are initiated into Sri Ramakrishna’s tradition. Ramakrishna Mission (Belur Math) was established by Swami Vivekananda in 1899. Our group was started in 2022 under the mentorship and guidance of Swami Sarvadevananda ji (head minister, Vedanta Society of Southern California) and Swami Ishatmanandaji (head minister, Vedanta Society of Chicago)/
We have a weekly meetup - the Vedanta Study Circle - that meets every Thursday from 7-8 PM MT. Everyone is welcome to attend. Zoom link is in “Upcoming Events’'
For details about who we are and what we do, please check the About page for FAQs.
Upcoming events
Vedanta Study Circle
Vedanta Study Circle
Vedanta Study Circle with Swami Sarvadevanandaji
Vedanta Study Circle
Our Inspiration